Friday, July 22, 2011

no more candy...

Recently, a doctor told me I had slightly elevated triglycerides and needed to eat healthier food. So, I have cut candy completely out of my diet. Which is bad in a different way, because I usually eat a lot of candy. No one ever realizes, because I am pretty skinny and everything, but my purse typically contains enough candy for a witch to build a small apartment complex.

So the difference in my energy levels after cutting out all that candy is pretty drastic.

I keep hearing that fresh vegetables and healthy meals give people energy. So, that means I have to cook. Unfortunately, I am pretty bad at cooking, and the process tends to exhaust me. Which means that making a healthy meal has the completely opposite effect on my energy level. In fact, it induces a vicious cycle:

Somehow, I always get this suggestion from people who hear that I am tired a lot:

How do I feel about this? Let me say it with a graph.

Oh well. Hopefully it will get better.

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