Wednesday, June 29, 2011

dream preparedness

My dreams are really weird.

What is weirder, though, is when real life sneakily introduces itself into my dream.

This happens to everyone to a certain degree. For example, people dream about missing an exam they will actually have to go to next week. Or, sensory input from the sleeper's environment makes its way into the dream.

But my dreams are weird to begin with. So when real life influences my dream, the result is even weirder.

I saw a documentary once that said, dreams are your brain's way of preparing you for hypothetical situations. This seems perfectly logical. Except my brain seems to think it is equally likely that I will have to protect my household from a pirate attack as it is that I will have to study for my exam next week.

Some people have said that my brain is weird, but I think that my brain is just helping me be incredibly prepared for life. I always have a carton of eggs in the fridge, thanks to that velociraptor attack. I always study for exams early, because of the pirate incident. And if ninjas ever attack while I am buying a carton of eggs at the grocery store, I'll know what to do.

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