Monday, June 6, 2011


Post-it notes are fun. I guess they are supposed to be used for reminders, but I use post-its for almost everything except for reminders.

Usually, I do post-it origami. It works particularly well if you manage to expose the sticky side on one end.

You can also play dress-up with post-its. Here are some examples.

The best thing, though, is to combine these alternative post-it usages in order to become:

The post-it pirate is fearsome. The post-it pirate does not care if you have many post-its or only one. The post-it pirate will take your post-its for herself!

I like the post-it pirate. I imagine that she is a frightening yet righteous marauder that punishes office post-it hoarders by stealing their post-its and redistributing them to needy office workers. Indeed, the post-it pirate is the Robin Hood of our modern life.

Sadly, the post-it pirate is mere fiction. However, sometimes when I see a particularly bad post-it hoarder in my office, and a certain temptation arises...

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