Wednesday, June 1, 2011

duck boat

Whoever made the duck boat had a great idea.

As a tourist on a duck boat, I would like to imagine myself riding an actual duck.

Duck boats are great. But perhaps not appropriately named. Because a duck boat, if it is really like a duck, should also fly.

This means that a real duck boat should be more than a combination boat/car. It should be a boat/car/plane!

When compared to the REAL duck boat (pictured above), current duck boats just seem inadequate. In fact, I would like it if we re-named the current duck boats to something that more accurately describes its function. Here are some suggestions.

Therefore, please join me in suggesting to duck boat companies that they rename their franchise Turtle Boat, or Swimmer Guy Boat.

Although despite any name changes, I don't think they could rival the boat concept I like to call "best boat ever":

1 comment:

  1. Pretty sure that is the cutest/most awesome duck I have ever seen. Also, DRAGON-BOAT!
